Heater Repair Services

TotalTech Arizona can repair your heating unit, making sure your comfortable every day.

Heater Repair Service

Winter chills belong outside. Keep it that way. Trust TotalTech Arizona to get your home toasty warm again when your heater gives you trouble. We offer peace of mind with guarantees/warranties on all services and parts.

The most common reasons we see for heating system breakdowns:

     A dirty blower is causing equipment failure. Insufficient air blowing across a heat exchange can cause it to overheat and fail. Heater repair will be needed
     Dirty air filters restricting airflow, causing short cycling
     A dirty flame sensor covered in gunk can turn off your heater by failing to sense the flame.
     Dirty burners have trouble lighting.
     Wiring and electrical issues

Signs Your Heater Needs to Be Repaired

  • Odd Smell from Heating System

    A faintly smelly gas-powered heater is often natural and normal. When starting your heater each fall for the first time, you may smell accumulated dirt and dust burning off. If the smell persists or intensifies, contact us immediately to have one our trained and trusted techs investigate for your heater repair evaluation. You may have a gas leak or something burning inside your unit if strong odors persist.

  • Cold or Lukewarm Air Temperatures

    A failure of your system to fight off frigid conditions could mean there's a leak in your ductwork. Your air ducts are largely invisible, running through your crawl space or attic. The good news is our techs know where to investigate and can even insulate your ducts. We won't let cold drafts and wasted electricity ruin your winter.

  • Constant Thermostat Adjustments

    When your heater is constantly turned on and off, it works harder, sucking up more electricity. Be kind to your heater and avoid abrupt changes to the temperature. Adjusting your thermostat too often can wear down components of your heating system, causing expensive heater repairs and replacements.

  • Your Heater Has Trouble Starting

    If your unit is struggling to start, it is time to have us troubleshoot the problem. It could be a dirty or faulty pilot, a problem with the natural gas line, disconnected wiring, dead batteries, or a damaged thermostat. (That's why we avoid installing thermostats in direct sunlight, near hot appliances, or vents.)

  • Discolored Pilot Light

    Checking a pilot light is an easy way to detect gas imbalances. A healthy pilot light should be bluish. That indicates the ratio of gases is well-balanced. Be concerned if your pilot light is yellow. That usually means too much carbon monoxide and a ventilation problem. This means you need immediate service to avoid potentially serious health risks.

  • Persistent Noises

    Do you hear constant noises from your heater? Pay attention to the sounds you hear. Doing so can help determine the source of your problem:

         Belt or fan issues usually squeal
         Loose parts in an air pump or condenser can bang around
         Warped fan blades and broken motors often scrape
         A de-centered blower wheel might thump
         A faulty gas valve can rumble abnormally loud
         Loose-fitting metal housing fasteners may rattle
         Compressors or fans with trapped debris can cause clanking
         Sheet metal air ducts can pop due to air pressure
         Broken air filters obstructed vents, and leaky ductwork often hiss
         Refrigerant leaks regularly whistle

Determining the cause of HVAC sounds can be tricky. That's why TotalTech Arizona techs are always available to help you detect the underlying issue and deliver fast solutions and evaluate your heater repair needs.

Failing to maintain your heater regularly heightens the chances of short-cycling issues. Keep your heating system Dependaworthy by investing in regular heater maintenance. Let us evaluate your heater repair requirements. Poor Air Quality

Air ducts naturally collect dirt, allergens, contaminants, and microorganisms. When your heater turns on, it blows these particles throughout your home, causing respiratory problems, allergies, and asthma attacks. Like surfaces in your house that need regular cleaning, ductwork requires regular maintenance to remove grime, bacteria, pollen, mold spores, insect droppings, and pet dander that accumulate over time. Dirty Filters

Your heater's air filter helps improve air quality: blocking airborne pollutants and contaminants before entering your heating system, air ducts, and home. We recommend replacing air filters every one to three months. Doing so mitigates your exposure to irritants and allergens and makes your heater more energy efficient.

Nothing runs up your energy bills like a defective heating system. Duct leaks, dirty filters, faulty thermostats, and any number of other deficiencies can cause your system to run inefficiently-and that gets expensive.

While we work to get the maximum years of service out of your heating system, it will only last so long. When your heater works overtime and your monthly utility bill starts rising, it's time to talk about installing a state-of-the-art unit, a heat pump, or a ductless system that will save you money over an older system.

Heater Repair

Heater Repair

Heater Repair

Heater Repair

Heater Repair

402 W Gemini Dr,

Tempe, AZ 85283

Monday - Sunday : 7:00am - 7:00pm